汽车租赁 利比亚

比较汽车租赁品牌 & 汽车租赁预约 利比亚

  • Sixt Sixt
  • EuropCar EuropCar

为什么在VIP Cars租 利比亚 的车呢?


在利比亚 租车,价钱包含车辆碰撞险、盗窃险、不限里程等等。


利比亚 领先的车辆供应商——Sixt, EuropCar


在利比亚 租车,尽享优惠


在VIP Cars租利比亚当地的车,不收订单取消费





汽车租赁 利比亚

汽车租赁 利比亚
The 17th largest country in the world, Libya shares land borders with Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Niger, Sudan and Egypt, and also has a coastline with the Mediterranean Sea.
Ancient Libya was inhabited from as early as 8000 BC. Various civilisations lived in the lands that are part of modern Libya, and the country is home to the oldest mosque in the Sahara region. The majority of Libya is covered by the dry and dusty Libyan Desert. Underneath most of Libya is a vast expanse of water holding rocks; the water in these rocks was found to pre-date the last ice ages. Ancient Granite Mountains are found towards the south of the country.

A car rental from VIP Cars means you can plan your rental online in advance, while enjoying professional rental services of top brands.

的低价租车交易 利比亚

经济型 USD 16 /天
简约型 USD 17 /天
箱车/休旅车 USD 23 /天
豪华型 USD 30 /天

的租车地点 利比亚

的热门租车地点 利比亚