Porquê reservar Koper aluguer de carro com a VIP Cars?
Preço com tudo incluído
Alugue um carro em Koper com preço incluindo CDW, Renúncia de Roubo, Quilometragem Ilimitada, etc.
Companhias de Aluguel Confiáveis
Fornecedores de aluguel de carros líderes em Koper - Sixt, EuropCar, Alamo, Dollar-Thrifty, National, ATET Rent a Car
Garantia dos Preços Mais Baixos
Enormes poupanças em Ofertas da Car Rental Deals em Koper
Sem Taxa de cancelamento
A VIP Cars oferece cancelamento gratuito para aluguel de carros em Koper
Reserva Online Segura
Reserve um carro em Koper através de uma plataforma de reserve segura
Maior Gama de Carros
Escolhe entre Económico, Mini-Van, SUV e Carros de Luxo para Koper
Aluguel de Carros Koper
Koper is a coastal town in the south west of Slovenia. Being an international port and only 5km from the Italian border this Slovenian town has many Italian influences and includes Italian in its list of official languages. There are many attractions to see in Koper and so hiring a car through VIP cars can be one of the best means of getting around the city’s popular sights and locations.
Not only are there the gentle sea breezes and views out over the ocean to enjoy, you can also wander to the edge of the town where there are carved, grey Istrian limestone blocks that are then carpeted with white stone, all that remains of an ancient city wall. If you follow the narrow, intertwining streets to the centre of the city you will find the Praetorian Palace. The Palace originated as two 13th century houses but were combined and turned into a Gothic Palace in Venetian style.
Ofertas de aluguel de carro baratas em Eslovênia
USD 12.57 /dia
USD 14.67 /dia
Van / Minivan
USD 19.91 /dia
Luxo / Premium
USD 22 /dia
Locais de aluguel de carros dentro ou perto Koper
Principais locais de aluguel de carros em Eslovênia
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