汽车租赁 穆塔拉市中心

比较汽车租赁品牌 & 汽车租赁预约 穆塔拉市中心

  • Sixt Sixt
  • EuropCar EuropCar
  • Alamo Alamo
  • Budget Budget

为什么在VIP Cars租 穆塔拉市中心 的车呢?


在穆塔拉市中心 租车,价钱包含车辆碰撞险、盗窃险、不限里程等等。


穆塔拉市中心 领先的车辆供应商——Sixt, EuropCar, Alamo, Budget


在穆塔拉市中心 租车,尽享优惠


在VIP Cars租穆塔拉市中心当地的车,不收订单取消费





汽车租赁 穆塔拉市中心

汽车租赁 穆塔拉市中心, 穆塔拉 - 瑞典
Motala Downtown lies at the heart of the city of Motala in Sweden. As the third largest city in the region, it is an important business hub in Ostergotland, thus it is not only frequented by tourists but also by many businessmen.

There are lots of attractions located within the city center and these include the museums in Gota Canal, MotalaWorks and the Motala Motor Museum. Moreover, it is also home to the old Charlottenborg Castle and the old Motala Church. On the other hand, the Motala Downtown is also the main shopping district of the city thus there are many local and international shops located along the downtown area.
Motala Downtown is also the jump-off point among people who want to explore Lake Vattern and Varamon Beach. With the many attractions in the city center, the best way to get around the city is by hiring cars from VIPcars.com. We provide a wide collection of car from mini vans, sedans, SUVs and sports cars at guaranteed low prices.

的低价租车交易 瑞典

经济型 USD 9.67 /天
简约型 USD 11.67 /天
箱车/休旅车 USD 15.56 /天
豪华型 USD 18.75 /天

附近的租车地点 穆塔拉市中心