Kampala is the largest city and capital of the central African country, Uganda. Said to be built over 7 hills, this city is relatively lesser crowded than other large African countries and is also considered to be relatively safer than them. This city is noted for its Boda-Boda motorcycle taxis, which are virtually present everywhere. Kampala is also the center for most businesses, NGO’s and financial institutions in Uganda.
The Tombs of Buganda Kings of Kasubi is a World Heritage Site and serves as the major spiritual and religious landmark in the region. The Baha’i House of Worship is also located here and is one of the only 7 such places in the world. The Ssezibwa Falls is a popular spiritual place located here where many people come for baths. Other attractions here include the Wamala Tombs, the Rubaga Cathedral, the Namirembe Cathedral, the Gaddafi National Mosque and the Uganda Museum.