汽车租赁 亚丁

比较汽车租赁品牌 & 汽车租赁预约 亚丁

  • Hertz Hertz
  • EuropCar EuropCar

为什么在VIP Cars租 亚丁 的车呢?


在亚丁 租车,价钱包含车辆碰撞险、盗窃险、不限里程等等。


亚丁 领先的车辆供应商——Hertz, EuropCar


在亚丁 租车,尽享优惠


在VIP Cars租亚丁当地的车,不收订单取消费





汽车租赁 亚丁

汽车租赁 亚丁 - 也门
Located about 307 miles south of Sanaa, Aden is a major port city of the Republic of Yemen. One of the oldest free trading zones on the Arabian Sea, Aden’s economy is primarily driven by marine transportation. Forming a vital trade link between Europe and the Indian subcontinent, the city is major stop point for commercial vessels. Besides marine trade, Aden’s strategic location has garnered the attention of several rulers, which fought fierce battles to gain control of it. A historic city, Aden is home to number of worth seeing attractions such as, British Cathedrals, Zoroastrian Temple, Sira Fort, Palace of the Sultanate of Lahej, Rimbaud House, Al-Aidaroos Mosque, and Aden Military Museum. Aden International Airport is the nearest aerodrome facility to Aden.

Leave your all domestic commuting worries to VIP Cars!


的低价租车交易 也门

经济型 USD 15 /天
简约型 USD 18 /天
箱车/休旅车 USD 24 /天
豪华型 USD 29 /天

内或附近的租车地点 亚丁

的热门租车地点 也门