Aluguel de Carros Aden

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Porquê reservar Aden aluguer de carro com a VIP Cars?

Preço com tudo incluído

Alugue um carro em Aden com preço incluindo CDW, Renúncia de Roubo, Quilometragem Ilimitada, etc.

Companhias de Aluguel Confiáveis  

Fornecedores de aluguel de carros líderes em Aden - Hertz, EuropCar

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A VIP Cars oferece cancelamento gratuito para aluguel de carros em Aden

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Maior Gama de Carros

Escolhe entre Económico, Mini-Van, SUV e Carros de Luxo para Aden

Aluguel de Carros Aden

Aluguel de Carros Aden - Iêmen
Located about 307 miles south of Sanaa, Aden is a major port city of the Republic of Yemen. One of the oldest free trading zones on the Arabian Sea, Aden’s economy is primarily driven by marine transportation. Forming a vital trade link between Europe and the Indian subcontinent, the city is major stop point for commercial vessels. Besides marine trade, Aden’s strategic location has garnered the attention of several rulers, which fought fierce battles to gain control of it. A historic city, Aden is home to number of worth seeing attractions such as, British Cathedrals, Zoroastrian Temple, Sira Fort, Palace of the Sultanate of Lahej, Rimbaud House, Al-Aidaroos Mosque, and Aden Military Museum. Aden International Airport is the nearest aerodrome facility to Aden.

Leave your all domestic commuting worries to VIP Cars!


Ofertas de aluguel de carro baratas em Iêmen

Econômico USD 15 /dia
Compacto USD 18 /dia
Van / Minivan USD 24 /dia
Luxo / Premium USD 29 /dia

Locais de aluguel de carros dentro ou perto Aden

Principais locais de aluguel de carros em Iêmen